Water Level
581..low and slow
Water Temperature
50 degree
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
8-10 inches
*click images to enlarge*
Sunrise/First cast- 6:59 am am
Sunset/Last Cast-8:11 pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted.
Weight: 1/2 – 5/8 oz
All access areas including Bluegrass are accessible today..
Seeing a swe haven’t had any rain, and the water is on the low side, we still saw a decent number of walleye caught yesterday. First limit by 9 AM again.
Jerome Rd., Rapids, Blue grass Island and buttonwood have been most popular since that’s where the waters moving a little faster, so its the couple best places to get a good drift. Some fish limits caught above the rapids as well.
some big females are moved in
Hot colors:Pinks, reds and whites – heads and tails in combinations thereof.
Today will be sunny with a high near 80° south west wind 11 to 17 mph.
Looks like a great week with may be a little bit of rain coming our way later in the weekend. Either way that river is still packed full of walleye.
Have fun. Be safe and good luck fishing.