Water Level
Water Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
10 inches
This weekend its going to warm up and be good fishing conditions. If you are wondering when to polan a trip up now is the time, catch the tail end of the walleye run -then move down to some slower water and get into those white bass- which I predict are going to be biting fast as soon as it warms up.
WEIGHT:1/2- 5/8 oz
Bluegrass Island- – Open to cross
The water level is still very low so Buttonwood, Bluegrass Island are whre the BIG FEMALES are being picked up. Thats where you ant to go trophy hunting. Jerome will be the best places to some of the 17-20 inch jacks, less snags too.
If you’re looking to target white bass try White Street or Orleans. We saw both yesterday so its getting to about that time of the year when both are in the river. We are working to make sure we stay fully stocked on minnows for the season.
Reminder: Fresh batch of waxworms & shiners in stock
Maumee River Outfitters of Grand rapids Ohio(that’s still us) opens this weekend (4/30) for the season! We are super excited to open our second location in Grand Rapids this weekend, we have a large variety of kayaks at this location, as well as bait & tackle. Once the weather permits we will also be running kayak rentals out of this location all summer long! Be sure to like us on Facebook at “Maumee River Outfitters” and Instagram at “MaumeeKayak” for updates!
Have fun , be safe and good luck fishing.