Water Level
580-low - came up a couple inches but still very low.
Water Temperature
48 degrees
Barometric Pressure
Water Clarity
4-6 inches
Sunrise/First cast- 6:439am
Sunset/Last Cast- 8:25pm
Wading to Bluegrass Island is permitted
Weight: 3/8-1/2 oz
It has been a cold week or so, down to 29 degrees last night. That actually made the river temperature drop 7-8 degerees in the last week. Walleye are still biting
A few years ago I put a bounty on the White bass state record. The current record for the state of Ohio White Bass is 4 lbs 21 inches caught July 1 ,1983 by Ira Sizemore in Cincinnati,OH. I was in contact with Mr. Sizemores son and he had some great stories about his dad, who was an avid fisherman,catching that record bass . Now 4 lbs is a BIG White Bass! But I know that in the spring when a zillion White Bass come up the Maumee to spawn, big, fat and full of eggs, that there has to be one over that 4 lb mark. I have seen some big bass caught in May, but no one ever puts them on a scale. Even last year many anglers forgot to come up to the shop and weigh their fish. We saw a few just over the 3lb mark and a picture of a massive one that was eaten before they remembered the bounty.
Notice- no black stripes along the body.
White perch are a very popular panfish to eat. Perch are normally about 7 to 9 inches long, any that pass that 10 inch mark are big ‘uns. During the spring early morning and early evening hours are best. Smaller hook with a redworm or piece of night crawler is the preferred bait. . Drop it down to the bottom and keep the line tight. Perch are light biting fish, so you will have to be quick about it when you get a bite. When you see your line move, set your hook by pulling up quickly on the rod.
When you do catch a white perch, stay in the vicinity because they are “school” fish and you may catch a dozen or more as fast as you can get your hook rebaited and back in the water.
Have fun , be safe and good luck fishing.